This page lists 205 paintings that are (or once were) attributed to Caravaggio with an aim to record who published the attibution first.

The list is grouped by [HIERARCHY]    {Click buttons on the left to change grouping}

The frame colour describes how the painting is accepted today

Autograph paintings
(the majority accept these paintings as by Caravaggio)
1821 Giuseppe Grosso Cacopardo

Adoration of the Shepherds
Museo Regionale  Messina

1906 Sacca

Nativity with Saints Lawrence and Francis
Oratory Of The Compagnia Di San Lorenzo (formerly)  Palermo

1924 Hermann Voss

Agony in the Garden
Kaiser Friedrich Museum (formerly)  Berlin

1948 Pariset

Musee Des Beaux-arts  Nancy

1927 Roberto Longhi

Galleria Borghese  Rome

1922 Matteo Marangoni

Galleria Degli Uffizi  Florence

1920 Rouchés

Burial of Saint Lucy
Church of Saint Lucia al Sepolcro  Syracuse

1928 Roberto Longhi

The Cardsharps
Kimbell Art Museum  Fort Worth

1971 Luigi Salerno

Conversion of Mary Magdalen
Detroit Institute Of Arts  Detroit

1884 Burckhardt

Conversion of Saint Paul
Private Collection (Odescalchi)  

1913 Roberto Longhi

Conversion of Saint Paul
Cerasi Chapel Santa Maria Del Popolo  Rome

1974 Maurizio Marini

Crowning with Thorns
Kunsthistorisches Museum  Vienna

1974 Benedict Nicolson

Crucifixion of Saint Andrew
Cleveland Museum Of Art  Ohio

1913 Roberto Longhi

Crucifixion of Saint Peter
Cerasi Chapel Santa Maria Del Popolo  Rome

1915 Roberto Longhi

Sleeping Cupid
Palazzo Pitti  Florence

1833 Ancient Inventories

David with the Head of Goliath
Galleria Borghese  Rome

1730 Ancient Inventories (Galerie du Palais Royal Paris)

Death of the Virgin
Louvre  Paris

1812 Delaroche

The Incredulity of St Thomas
Shiftung Schlosser Und Garten Sanssouci  Potsdam

1912 Lionello Venturi

Supper at Emmaus
Pinacoteca Di Brera  Milan

1906 Kallab

Supper at Emmaus
National Gallery  London

1820 Craffonara

Pinacoteca Vaticana  Rome

1826 Ancient Inventories

Portrait of Fillide
Kaiser Friedrich Museum (formerly)  Berlin

1928 Matteo Marangoni

Saint Catherine of Alexandria
Thyssen Bornemisza Museum  Madrid

1815 Romanelli

Flagellation of Christ
Museo Nazionale Di Capodimonte  Naples

1960 Roberto Longhi

Flagellation of Christ
Musee Des Beaux-arts  Rouen

1924 Hermann Voss

Fortune Teller (Buona Ventura)
Pinacoteca Capitolina  Rome

1924 Hermann Voss

Fortune Teller (Buona Ventura)
Louvre  Paris

1951 Denis Mahon

Saint Francis in Prayer
Pinacoteca Del Museo Civico  Cremona

1929 Matteo Marangoni

Saint Francis in Ecstasy
Wadsworth Atheneum Hartford  Connecticut

1925 Borenius

Boy Bitten by a Lizard
National Gallery  London

1990 Calvesi

Boy Bitten by a Lizard
Longhi Foundation  Florence

1790 Ancient Inventories

Boy with a Basket of Fruit
Galleria Borghese  Rome

1924 Hermann Voss

Sacrifice of Isaac
Galleria Degli Uffizi  Florence

1909 Modigliani in Venturi

Saint Jerome
Galleria Borghese  Rome

1922 Matteo Marangoni

Saint Jerome
Saint John's Co Cathedral  Valletta

1920 Rouchés

Beheading of Saint John the Baptist
Saint John's Co Cathedral  Valletta

1893 Lionello Venturi

Saint John the Baptist
Galleria Borghese  Rome

1927 Roberto Longhi

Saint John the Baptist
Palazzo Barberini  Rome

1943 Roberto Longhi

Saint John the Baptist
Nelson- Atkins Museum Of Art  Kansas City

1953 Denis Mahon

Saint John the Baptist
Pinacoteca Capitolina  Rome

1951 Roberto Longhi

Judith Beheading Holofernes
Palazzo Barberini  Rome

1790 Ancient Inventories

Madonna dei Palafrenieri
Galleria Borghese  Rome

1906 Kallab

Madonna of Loreto
Cavalletti Chapel Sant' Agostino  Rome

1786 Ancient Inventories

Madonna of the Rosary
Kunsthistorisches Museum  Vienna

1906 Kallab

Penitent Magdalen
Galleria Doria Pamphili  Rome

1974 Mina Gregori {Roberto}

Martyrdom of Saint Ursula
Palazzo Zevallos Collezione Banca Intesa  Naples

1855 Burckhardt

Calling of Saint Matthew
Contarelli Chapel San Luigi Dei Francesi  Rome

1812 Landon

Saint Matthew and the Angel
Kaiser Friedrich Museum (formerly)  Berlin

1922 Matteo Marangoni

Saint Matthew and the Angel
Contarelli Chapel San Luigi Dei Francesi  Rome

1855 Burckhardt

Martyrdom of Saint Matthew
Contarelli Chapel San Luigi Dei Francesi  Rome

1910 Lionello Venturi

The Luteplayer
Hermitage  Saint Petersburg

1952 Denis Mahon

Metropolitan Museum Of Art  New York

1969 Giuliana Zandri

Jupiter Neptune and Pluto
Villa Boncompagni-ludovisi  Rome

1819 Ancient Inventories

Galleria Degli Uffizi  Florence

1970 Roberto Longhi

Denial of Saint Peter
Metropolitan Museum Of Art  New York

1974 Mina Gregori {Roberto}

Portrait of a Knight of Malta
Palazzo Pitti  Florence

1730 Ancient Inventories (Galerie du Palais Royal Paris)

Portrait of Alof de Wignacourt and a Page
Louvre  Paris

1840 La Farina

Raising of Lazarus
Museo Regionale  Messina

1872 Meyer

Rest on the flight to Egypt
Galleria Doria Pamphili  Rome

1959 Roberto Longhi

Salome with the Head of Saint John the Baptist
National Gallery  London

1927 Roberto Longhi

Salome with the Head of Saint John the Baptist
Palacio Real  Madrid

1902 Ruggiero

Seven Acts of Mercy
Pio Monte Della Misericordia  Naples

1907 Ratti

Still Life with a Basket of Fruit
Pinacoteca Ambrosiana  Milan

1812 Delaroche

Victorious Cupid (Amor Vincit Omnia)
Staatliche Museen  Berlin

Several experts agree
1924 Hermann Voss

Calling of Saints Peter and Andrew
Royal Collection  Hampton Court Palace

1961 Jullian

Crowning with Thorns
Cassa Di Risparmio E Depositi Prato  Florence

1924 Hermann Voss

David with the Head of Goliath
Kunsthistorisches Museum  Vienna

1927 Lionello Venturi

David and Goliath
Museo Nacional Del Prado  Madrid

2004 Petrucci

Maddalena Addolorata
Private Collection  

2021 Massimo Pulini

Ecce Homo in front of pilate

1954 Roberto Longhi

Ecce Homo
Civica Galleria Di Palazzo Rosso  Genoa

1908 Cantalmessa

Saint Francis in Meditation
Santa Maria della Concezione (Church of the Cappuc  Rome

1908 Cantalmessa

Saint Francis in Meditation
Palazzo Barberini  Rome

1982 Maurizio Marini

Boy Peeling Fruit
Private Collection  

1943 Roberto Longhi

Saint Jerome in Meditation
Pinacoteca Monastery Of Santa Maria Di Montserrat  Barcelona

1971 Rottgen

Vision of Saint Jerome
Worcester Art Museum  Mass

1951 Roberto Longhi

Saint John the Baptist at the Source
MUZA _National Museum of Art  Valletta

1969 Amadore Porcella

Saint John the Baptist at the Source
Private Collection  

1964 Pérez Sánchez

Saint John the Baptist
Cathedral Museum  Toledo

1974 Pérez Sánchez

Saint John the Baptist Reclining
Private Collection  Munich

2016 Roberta Lapucci

San Giovannino giacente (Saint John the Baptist Reclining)
private collection  

2019 Eric Turquin

Judith Beheading Holofernes

1951 Roberto Longhi

Holy Family with St. John the Baptist
Clara Otero Silva Collection, Caracas  Venezuela

1972 Pico Cellini

Magdalen in Ecstasy
Private Collection  

2014 Mina Gregori {Roberto}

Magdalen in Ecstasy

2003 Clovis Whitfield

The Luteplayer
Private Collection  

1914 Roberto Longhi

Palazzo Barberini  Rome

1921 Mariano Luigi Patrizi

Portrait of Monsignor Maffeo Barberini
Corsini  Florence

1963 Roberto Longhi

Portrait of Monsignor Maffeo Barberini
Private Collection  

1906 Kallab

Portrait of Paul V Borghese
Prince Camillo Borghese  Rome

1979 Benedict Nicolson

Saint Sebastian
Private Collection  

1993 Sergio Benedetti

Taking of Christ
National Gallery Of Ireland  Dublin

1975 Mina Gregori {Roberto}

The Toothpuller
Palazzo Pitti  Florence

2010 Alessandro Zuccari

Boy Bitten by a Lizard
Private Collection  Rome

Few experts agree
(perhaps because few have studied these painting)
2008 Roberta Lapucci

Martyrdom of Saint Catherine
Parish Church  Zejtun

1954 Hermann Voss

Crucifixion of Saint Andrew
Private Collection [Beck-Vega]  

2018 Roberta Lapucci

Cupid and the Skeleton
Cathedral Museum  Mdina

2004 Paolo Sapori

Ecce Homo
Private Collection  

1969 Kitson

Boy Peeling Fruit
Ishizuka collection  Tokyo

1996 John T. Spike

Boy Peeling Fruit
Private Collection Dickinson  

2007 Roberta Lapucci

Saint Jerome
Private Collection  

2010 Sebastian Schütze

Sant Agostino
Private Collection  

2014 Roberta Lapucci


1990 Keith Christiansen

The Luteplayer
Metropolitan Museum Of Art (formerly)  

2001 Maurizio Marini

Private Collection  

1912 Pieraccini

Portrait of Cardinal Cesare Baronio (Sora 15381607 Rome)
Galleria Degli Uffizi  Florence

1993 Mina Gregori {Roberto}

Portrait of a Gentleman
Private Collection  

2011 Massimo Pulini

Portrait of Scipione Borghese
Museo Civico  Montepulciano

2001 Maurizio Marini

Vase of Flowers
Private Collection  

1976 Federico Zeri

Still Life with Birds
Galleria Borghese  Rome

1976 Federico Zeri

Still-Life with Flowers and Fruit
Galleria Borghese  Rome

2005 Denis Mahon

Taking of Christ
Galleria Bigetti  Rome

2023 Barbara Savina

Taking of Christ
private collection  

1991 Mina Gregori {Roberto}

Sacrifice of Isaac
Barbara Piasecka Johnson Collection  Princeton

1730 Ancient Inventories (Galerie du Palais Royal Paris)

Philosopher Looking in a Mirror
Private Collection  

2001 Maurizio Marini

Portrait of a Giovanni Battista Marino
Private Collection  

1927 Hermann Voss

Lady with a gold chain
San Diego Museum Of Art  San Diego

1954 Swarzenski

Still Life
Museum of Fine Arts  Boston

1995 John T. Spike

Still Life with Fruit on a Stone Ledge
Denver Art Museum  Denver

2005 Denis Mahon

The cardsharps
The Museum of the Order of St John  London

2001 Maurizio Marini

Sleeping Cupid
Museum of Art  Indianapolis

1989 Maurizio Marini

Ecce Homo
S.F.Cortez Collection  New York

1990 Gianni Papi

Ecce Homo
Madonna  Arenzano

2010 Gianni Papi

Ecce Homo

2001 Maurizio Marini

Supper at Emmaus
Private Collection  

1974 Maurizio Marini

Flagellation of Christ
Palazzo Camuccini  Cantalupo Sabina

1990 Ferdinando Bolonga

Saint Francis of Assisi in Ecstasy
Barbara Piasecka Johnson Collection  Princeton

1951 Federico Zeri

St John with a lamb
Private Collection  

1987 Maurizio Marini

The Luteplayer
Private Collection Salini  

1974 Rottgen

Denial of Saint Peter
Metropolitan Museum Of Art  New York

2016 Franco Moro

Alessandro Alberti with a Page
National Gallery  Washington dc

2001 Maurizio Marini

Sant Agapito
Chiesa Di Sant Antonio Abate (palestrina)  Rome

1992 Ferdinando Bolonga

Salome with the Head of Saint John the Baptist
Private Collection  

1975 Federico Zeri

Susanna and the Elders
Koelliker Collection  Milan

Engraving of Presumed lost original
1705 Ancient Inventories (Aix en Provence)

Jacob dit a Laban visites tous vos troupeaux

1705 Ancient Inventories (Aix en Provence)

Encounter of Jacob and Rachel

1754 Ancient Inventories

Ecce Homo

1730 Ancient Inventories (Galerie du Palais Royal Paris)

Sacrifice of Isaac
Galerie du Palais Royal (formerly)  Paris

1700 Ancient Inventories

Mary Magdalen in the Desert
Bibliotheca Hertziana  Rome

1730 Ancient Inventories (Galerie du Palais Royal Paris)

The Flute Player Engraving 1786
Galerie du Palais Royal (formerly)  Paris

1705 Ancient Inventories (Aix en Provence)

Vase of flowers after Caravaggio

Past Attributed that are no longer accepted
1705 Ancient Inventories (Aix en Provence)

Jacob asking Labano for Rachel's Hand in Marriage
Musee Granet  Aix en Provence

1910 Breck

Staedelsches Kunstinstitut  Frankfurt

1951 Bernard Berenson

Card players
Fogg Harvard Art Museum  Massachusetts

1800 Ancient Inventories

Christ disputing with the Doctors
National Gallery Of Ireland  Dublin

1950 Ancient Inventories

Christ disputing with the Doctors
Chiesa di San Martin  Langres

1952 Roberto Longhi

The Road to Calvary
Kunsthistorisches Museum  Vienna

1666 Inventario del Casino di San Marco

Tribute Money
Galleria Degli Uffizi  Florence

1801 Christie\'s

The Locksmith
Dulwich Picture Gallery  London

1850 Ancient Inventories

Giuoco alla Morra
Pinacoteca Nazionale  Siena

1921 Ancient Inventories

Cook in the Kitchen
Corsini  Florence

1936 Ancient Inventories

The Fruit Vendor
Detroit Institute Of Arts  Detroit

1792 Vasi

Girl with compass (Allegory of Astronomy)
Spada  Rome

1912 Lionello Venturi

Tobias and the Angel
Chiesa di S. Rufo  Rieti

1855 Ancient Inventories

Saint Gregory the Great
Palazzo Barberini  Rome

1921 Mariano Luigi Patrizi

Saint Catherine of Alexandria

1920 Rouchés

Denial of Saint Peter
Pinacoteca Vaticana  Rome

1790 Ancient Inventories

Galleria Borghese  Rome

1974 Ancient Inventories

Golcher Foundation  Mdina

1817 Ancient Inventories

Palazzo Barberini  Rome

1833 Ancient Inventories

Portrait of Marcello Provenzal
Galleria Borghese  Rome

1910 Herman H. Gram

Portrait of a Gentleman
Statens Museum of Kunst  Copenhagen

1927 Hermann Voss

Portrait of Lady with peach and jasmine in a vase
Private Collection  

1900 Ancient Inventories

The Conversion of the Maltese
Church  St Paul's Bay

1980 Maurizio Marini

Saint Rocco
Private Collection  

1980 Maurizio Marini

Saint Sebastian
Private Collection  

1921 Mariano Luigi Patrizi

Self Portait
Private Collection  

1928 Roberto Longhi

Still Life with Fruit and Carafe
National Gallery  Washington dc

1973 Maurizio Marini

Christ and the adultrous woman
Private Collection  

2001 Maurizio Marini

Christ healing the sick
Private Collection  

1808 Ancient Catalogue (Museum )

Crucifixion of Saint Peter
Hermitage  Saint Petersburg

1920 Lionello Venturi

Saint John with flowers and a Lamb
Offentliche Kunstsammlung  Basel

1906 Burckhardt

The Theorbo Player
Galleria Sabauda  Torino

1920 Roberto Longhi

Boy Playing Guitar
bayerische Staatsgemaldesammlungen  Munich

1912 Lionello Venturi

I Santi Quattro Coronati
Chiesa di S.S. Andrea e Leonardo a Tor de Specehi  Rome

1921 Mariano Luigi Patrizi

San Nicola E il Mendico
Pinacoteca Podesti  ancona

1921 Mariano Luigi Patrizi

Saint Sebastian and St Irene
M. Campori  Modena

1921 Mariano Luigi Patrizi

Self Portait
Szepmuveszeti Museum  Budapest

1952 Sterling

Fruits and flowers
Wadsworth Atheneum Hartford  Connecticut

Presumed Copy of lost original
2001 Maurizio Marini

Circumcision of Christ
Santa Maria della Sanita  Naples

2001 Maurizio Marini

Il Beato Isidoro Agricola
Pinacoteca Comunale  Ascoli Piceno

2001 Maurizio Marini

Divine Love
Private Collection  

Follower of Caravaggio
1792 Vasi

Saint Ann and Mary
Spada  Rome


Madonna and Child
Corsini  Rome

1950 Ancient Inventories

Saint Mary Magdalen
private collection  

1863 Brogi

Penitent Magdalen
Museo Civico  Montepulciano

1922 Matteo Marangoni

The Concert
Galleria Degli Uffizi  Florence

1907 Ancient Inventories

Fight over cards
Statens Museum of Kunst  Copenhagen

1910 Barbier

David with the Head of Goliath
Spada  Rome

1943 Roberto Longhi

Supper at Emmaus
Museo Regionale  Messina

1892 Ancient Inventories

Fortune-teller (buona ventura)
Palazzo Barberini  Rome

1922 Kallab

The Luteplayer
National Gallery  Washington dc

1960 Luigi Salerno

Portrait of a Gentleman (Sigismund Laire?)
Staatliche Museen  Berlin

1910 Lionello Venturi

Saint John Evangelist
Spada  Rome

1976 Federico Zeri

Asparagus still life

1976 Federico Zeri

Still Lifes with carafes of Water
Galleria Estense  Modena

1976 Federico Zeri

Still Lifes with carafes of Water
Galleria Estense  Modena

1976 Federico Zeri

Two girls catching butterflies

1968 Ferdinando Bolonga

A Still Life with Grapes Honey-Mellon Fruit Flowers and Butterflies
Lingenauber Collection  

1976 Federico Zeri

A Still Life with Fruit Flower and Butterflies
Lingenauber Collection  

1937 Sestieri

Cupid Chastised
Institute Of Arts  Chicago

 Roberto Longhi

Boy Peeling Fruit
Longhi Foundation  Florence

2004 Maurizio Marini

David and Goliath
Private Collection  

1968 Roberto Longhi

Saint John the Baptist
Galleria Doria Pamphili  Rome

2023 Vittorio Sgarbi

Magdalena Sgarbi
private collection